Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016

Guide Client to The Office


Dara       : Good morning, Ms.Devi?
Devi       : Good morning, Ms.Dara. how are you today?
Dara       : I’m doing great. What about you?
Devi       : I’m fine, thank you. Welcome to our company. Mr.Dwiki will led you to the office. You            can ask anything.
Dara       : Thank you very much, Ms.Devi


Dwiki     : Good morning. Welcome to HP Company. my name is Dwiki Permana.
Dara       : Good morning, Mr.Dwiki. I’m Dara Ayu.
Dwiki     : It’s nice to meet you, Ms.Dara.
Dara       : Thank you. It’s pleasure to meet you,too.
Dwiki     : Do you want me to show you around the place?
Dara       : Could you? That’d be very nice.
Dwiki     : Absolutely. I’ll be glad to show you around.


Dwiki     : Well, William R. Hewlett is founder of HP Company. In 1939, Hewlett founded the                company along with David Packard who died in 1996. Hewlett is one who devoted his life to the advancement of science and technology. While studying at Stanford University, he met with David Packard and become good friends.
Dara       : Oh, that’s interesting. How about the organization structure?
Dwiki     : There’s Ms.Devi, the President Director of Company. You have met her 15 minutes ago. And I’m here work as CEO/Head of IT.
Dara       : I know what you mean, Mr.Dwiki. I’ve been in IT Applic & Development.
Dwiki     : Really? We also have them. The subordinates are IT Strategy & Planning, IT  Applic & Development, and IT Network.
Dara       : That’s very good. The company have a great structure. I’m sorry before but can you explain what the HP is? I mean what is the meaning.
Dwiki     : HP stands for Hewlett (H-E-W-L-E-T-T) and Packard (P-A-C-K-A-R-D).
Dara       : Now, I know. Thank you Mr.Dwiki. You’ve been very helpful. Can you accompany me back to Ms.Devi? I think this information is enough.
Dwiki     : Sure, hope you feel satisfied.


Devi       : What about our company Ms.Dara?
Dara       : I have a lot of information about it. You have a good structure and kind employees.
Devi       : Thank you for coming. I hope we can make common in the future.

Dara       : Sure, I’ll be glad.